Three new things I have learnt about myself and my ego as a result of the core learning
How to Recognise my Inner Critic
The first thing I learnt was how to recognise my inner critic, the voice in my head that makes me doubt myself and tells me that I can't do something. The most important part about being able to recognise this inner critic is that I am able to stop it in its tracks before I let it derail me. When I recognise the voice telling me I cant do something I am able to remind myself of my Strengths and remind myself that anything is possible and anything is learnable through hardwork, effort and persistance.
That EVERYTHING is Learnable
The second thing I learnt is that "Everything is Learnable". The most important thing about learning this is that whenever I want to give up on something and try to convince myself that I am unable to do something I know that this is just a cop out due to knowing that everything is learnable.
That I am quite self aware
Going through all these core learnings has shown me how I am quite self aware and am able to be honest with myself and recognise my strengths and weaknesses.
What are the role of values, empathy and self awareness in learning and programming?
The role of values, empathy and self and awareness in learning and programming is that it makes a huge difference in the speed of your learning, the efficiency and the quality. When you know what your strengths and weaknesses are you know where to focus more of your effort, it also helps you to know when tobe easier on yourself when struggling with certain things and when you just need to push through. Knowing your values helps you to find a learning style that is true to yourself.
What surprised me the most about Core Learning?
The biggest surprise for me was how much of the core fundamental learnings I had already learnt and heard about before. It reinforced to me how important the core learnings were anyhow they are so beneficial not just for my coding journey but for my life in general.
The most challenging aspects of the Core Learning for me.
The most challenging aspect of the core learning for me was implementing the practices and habits that I know are good for me and sticking with them. I have known for awhile the amazing benefits of meditating daily but have always struggled to turn this practice into a daily habit that becomes a non negotiable.