Hey, My name is Tia
This is a website I've created for people to get to know me and some things I have learnt along the way.
This blog has a mixture of projects I have done, blog posts about things I've learnt regarding both Tech skills and Human skills, fun games I've coded and where you can find me.
This entire site was created using standard HTML and all of the CSS was coded by myself from scratch. Since starting this site I am sufficient in so many new technologies, libraries, frameworks which means I would probably never create another site like this ever again which is why I decided to keep it as it is
I would babble on about what those new skills and technologies i've picked up along my journey to becoming a Full Stack Web Developer but you can find all of that on my CV so I wont bore you. This is a fun, easy and hopefully aesthetically pleasing space for you to look around and enjoy.
So please have a look around and I would love to hear from you if you like what you see here!
{{the only limit to our realization of tomorrow, will be our doubts of today}}
- Franklin D. Roosevelt