Sprint 3 - Cultural

Emotional Intelligence

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence is being able to understand your emotions and also being able to manage them.
Having Emotional Intelligence also usually means that someone can not only understand their own emotions but also understand the emotions of others and also influence the emotions of others which can be a very powerful tool to have.

Five Elements of Emotional Intelligence are:

  1. Self Awareness
  2. Self Regulation
  3. Motivation
  4. Empathy
  5. Social Skills

How is it different to IQ?

Emotional Intelligence is different to IQ as it more based on humans thoughts and feelings and how you interact with other humans. Where as IQ is more based on facts and academics, understanding the world as opposed to people. One of the most simple comparisons of IQ vs EQ would be Book Smart vs Street Smart.

Why is it important?

Emotional Intelligence is extremely important because as humans we are naturally social creatures and human interaction is a very important aspect of that. Wether you are Emotionally Intelligent or not it is inevitable you will have human interaction so having a higher Emotional Intelligence means that the way in which you interact with humans would be more optimal then those who don’t. Your understanding of your emotions and others means that you become a better person to yourself and those around you, it strengthens your relationships with others and how you interact in the world which is obviously important.